Monthly Heartworm Prevention Doesn’t Guarantee Protection

All pet owners should be extra cautious!

Some concerning news has come to our attention regarding heartworm. If you are not too sure what heartworm is… it is a nasty parasite that causes a deadly disease that’s known to affect dogs here in South Australia.

Several cases have been reported within a 10km radius of our clinic.

The latest figures from the Heartworm Surveillance Project show an increasing number of dogs have been reported to have this distressing and deadly infection over the last 18 months.

40% of the infected dogs were on a monthly heartworm tablet or spot-on treatment.

Why monthly prevention is leaving dogs at risk of the disease isn’t entirely clear.

What’s the solution? Well, the Australian Heartworm Prevention Guidelines state that “year-round heartworm protection is recommended for all domestic canines throughout Australia.”1

Given that it is almost impossible to remember to give treatment on the same day every month, we can discuss a free heartworm antigen test and a simple year-round heartworm prevention injection.

Why not make an appointment today to secure guaranteed year-round heartworm prevention for your dog?

We won’t leave your dog at risk of heartworm… Not on our watch!

1. Australian Heartworm Advisory Panel (AHAP). Australian Guidelines for Heartworm Prevention in Dogs. March 2014.


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  • Mosquitoes transmit the disease to dogs by injecting tiny heartworm larvae into their skin
  • Larvae develop in the tissues and migrate to the heart where they grow into adult worms
  • The adults live in the heart and the large blood vessels surrounding the heart
  • They reproduce and release more larval offspring into the dog’s bloodstream
  • Larvae are transmitted to another pet via mosquitoes


  • Lethargy
  • Tiring easily with exercise
  • Coughing
  • Loss of appetite
  • Enlarged abdomen


  • A blood test
  • Chest radiographs
  • Ultrasound


Protect your puppy against heartworm by starting them on heartworm prevention from 12 weeks of age. Ask the vet about heartworm prevention:

  • Get protection all year long
  • Don’t miss a dose

For more information, visit:

Heartworm and your pet

Free* heartworm antigen tests at Pet Doctor when you book your dog in for a Proheart SR-12 injection, the only product that will give your pet 12 months protection against heartworm infection.

What is heartworm?

Heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) is a parasitic worm that can be transmitted to animals via mosquitoes. An infected mosquito can bite your pet and inject the larval stage of the worm, which enters the body and inhabits the organs until maturity at approximately 5-6 months of age. Once the worm has reached maturity, it will migrate to the heart and blood vessels of the lungs. Adult heartworms then breed and reproduce, releasing microfilaria (baby heatworm) into the blood stream where they are potentially picked up by the next mosquito that feeds on your pet. Thus the cycle begins again, without your pet ever having to come in contact with other animals. As we’re all aware, mosquitoes can find their way into most homes (with out without fly screens), which means even indoor pets can be at risk of infection.

Heartworm disease symptoms:

  • Dry and persistent cough
  • Lack of stamina when exercising
  • Weight loss
  • Dry coat
  • Listlessness or weakness

In more advanced cases, there may be heart failure, laboured breathing, a distended abdomen, severe damage to organs, and sometimes collapse from the sudden destruction of a pet’s red blood cells. It is important to understand that this disease can be fatal and often takes time for symptoms to develop. By the time an infected pet starts to show symptoms, at least half of the pet’s lungs are infested and deteriorating, thus the importance of early diagnosis and prevention.

A blood test is the best way to tell if your pet has heartworm disease!

*Conditions apply. Please call us for more information, or to make an appointment today!

Is Your Dog At Risk For Pancreatitis This Holiday Season

Every Christmas, veterinarians across the country see a marked rise in the number of cases of pancreatitis in dogs of all ages. This is because the holiday brings an increased number of scenarios that can potentially lead to a dog becoming sick. This acute, painful pancreas inflammation can be deadly in many cases, so it’s vital that dog owners understand the causes of pancreatitis, the symptoms, and what measures must be taken to prevent cases of canine pancreatitis.

Causes of Pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is the term for inflammation of the pancreas, an organ that works to help the body metabolise sugars and produce insulin. In addition, the dog’s pancreas produces enzymes that are vital for digesting nutrients.

Pancreatic inflammation is seen most often during the holidays, when dog owners are doing lots of home cooking. Many dogs are affected by pancreatitis when they’re fed table scraps that are greasy and high in fat. In addition, a significant percentage of animals fall ill after stealing fat trimmings or other fatty food scraps from the garbage.

Symptoms of Pancreatitis

Dogs with pancreatitis usually fall ill fairly suddenly, within a matter of hours. The most common symptoms of pancreatitis include:

  • Hunched posture
  • Painful abdomen
  • Distended, enlarged abdomen
  • Poor appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Vomiting
  • Dehydration
  • Diarrhoea

Symptoms of pancreatitis can become very acute and a dog can become critically and even fatally ill very quickly, so if you suspect your dog may have pancreatitis, you should seek veterinary attention immediately.